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2023 The latest Travel guide and tips for Yosemite National

更新时间:2023-05-05 14:20:03 人气指数:

Reprinted on Tours4fun Travel Bloghttps://blog.tours4fun.com/2023-travel-tips-for-yosemite-national-park.html

Yosemite National Park Tour Packages
Save 20%:11-Day Yellowstone Tour from San Francisco: Lower Antelope Canyon, Grand Teton, Yosemite and Las Vegas
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Yosemite National Park is a treasure trove of natural beauty located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Known for its towering granite cliffs, stunning waterfalls, and vast expanses of wilderness, Yosemite is a must-visit destination for any nature lover. If you’re planning a trip to Yosemite in 2023, here’s a guide to help you make the most of your experience.

Yosemite National Park Tours
Yosemite National Park Tours

Yosemite National Park Tours – When to Visit

Yosemite is open year-round, but the best time to visit depends on what you want to do and see. The summer months from June to August are the busiest, and the weather is generally warm and sunny. If you plan on hiking or doing any outdoor activities, it’s best to avoid the midday sun and opt for early morning or late afternoon. Spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) are ideal times to visit if you want to avoid the crowds and enjoy cooler temperatures.

Yosemite National Park Tours – Getting There

Yosemite National Park is located in central California, and the closest major airport is the Fresno Yosemite International Airport, which is about a two-hour drive away. Alternatively, you can fly into San Francisco International Airport or Oakland International Airport, both of which are about a four-hour drive away. If you’re driving, Yosemite is easily accessible via the main highways, including the US Route 41 and the California State Route 140.

Yosemite National Park Tours – Where to Stay

There are several lodging options both inside and outside of Yosemite National Park. Inside the park, you can stay at one of the lodges operated by the Yosemite Hospitality, including the historic Ahwahnee Hotel, Yosemite Valley Lodge, and Curry Village. These lodges offer a range of accommodations, from basic motel rooms to luxury suites, but they tend to book up quickly, so it’s best to book well in advance. Outside the park, there are several towns that offer lodging options, including Oakhurst, Mariposa, and Groveland.

Yosemite National Park Tours – What to Do


One of the main attractions of Yosemite is its extensive hiking trails, ranging from easy walks to strenuous hikes that require advanced planning and preparation. If you’re new to hiking or traveling with children, there are several easy trails that offer stunning views of the park, including the Lower Yosemite Falls Trail, which is a short, paved walk to the base of the waterfall, and the Mirror Lake Trail, which offers a peaceful walk around a scenic lake. For more experienced hikers, the Half Dome Trail and the Mist Trail offer challenging routes that can take several hours to complete.

2、Rock Climbing

Yosemite is also known for its world-class rock climbing, thanks to its massive granite cliffs and challenging routes. There are several guided climbing tours available for beginners and experienced climbers alike, and you can rent equipment at several locations throughout the park. If you’re new to climbing, consider taking a class or hiring a guide to ensure your safety and learn the basics.

3、Water Activities

Yosemite is home to several pristine lakes and rivers, offering a range of water activities, including swimming, kayaking, and fishing. The Merced River runs through the park, and you can rent kayaks and canoes at several locations to explore the river on your own. You can also swim in designated areas at several of the park’s lakes, including Tenaya Lake and Mirror Lake.

4、Wildlife Viewing

Yosemite is home to a variety of wildlife, including black bears, deer, and coyotes. While it’s important to keep a safe distance and avoid feeding any animals, there are several opportunities to view wildlife in their natural habitats. The Yosemite Valley offers several meadows and open spaces where you can spot deer and other small animals, while the Tuolumne Meadows is a great place to see larger animals like black bears and elk.

5、Scenic Drives

If you prefer to take in the scenery from the comfort of your car, Yosemite offers several scenic drives that offer stunning views of the park. The Tioga Road, which is open from late spring to early fall, offers a panoramic view of the high country and several opportunities for hiking and picnicking. The Glacier Point Road offers views of Half Dome and other famous landmarks, while the Mariposa Grove Road takes you through a giant sequoia grove.

Tips for Yosemite National Park Tour

1、Plan Ahead: Yosemite is a popular destination, and many of the lodges and campsites book up months in advance, especially during peak season. Make sure to plan your visit well in advance and book your accommodations and activities as soon as possible.

2、Be Prepared for the Weather: The weather in Yosemite can be unpredictable, and it’s important to pack for a range of temperatures and weather conditions. Bring layers and be prepared for rain, wind, and snow, depending on the time of year.

3、Practice Leave No Trace: Yosemite is a fragile ecosystem, and it’s important to practice Leave No Trace principles to preserve the environment for future generations. Pack out all trash, stay on designated trails, and avoid disturbing wildlife.

4、Respect Wildlife: While it’s tempting to get close to wildlife for a better view or photo, it’s important to keep a safe distance and avoid feeding any animals. Feeding wildlife can cause them to become dependent on humans and can be harmful to their health.

5、Stay Safe: Yosemite’s natural beauty can be dangerous if you’re not careful. Make sure to stay on designated trails, carry plenty of water and food, and be prepared for emergencies. If you’re hiking, let someone know where you’re going and when you plan to return.


Yosemite National Park is a stunning destination that offers something for everyone, whether you’re looking for outdoor adventure or peaceful relaxation. With careful planning and preparation, you can make the most of your visit and create memories that will last a lifetime. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to explore one of California’s most beautiful natural wonders.

Tours From Yosemite National ParkYosemite to San Francisco (one way, no accomodation) From USD $169.00 /person

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