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当前位置:主页 > 分类目录 > second是什么意思英语_second是什么意思英语怎么读音


更新时间:2024-07-02 08:49:46 人气指数:

What is the meaning of "second" in English?

"Second" is a versatile word in the English language that can have various meanings depending on the context. It can be used as an adjective, noun, verb, or even an adverb.

As an adjective:

When "second" is used as an adjective, it often indicates something or someone that comes after the first or is the next in line. For example, "I want to buy a second car" means that the person wants to purchase an additional vehicle.

As a noun:

As a noun, "second" can refer to a unit of time measurement, equal to 1/60th of a minute. It is also used to describe the position or rank of someone or something in a series. For example, "He finished in second place" indicates that the person came in right after the winner in a competition.

As a verb:

When "second" is used as a verb, it means to support or endorse someone or something. For instance, "I second her proposal" means that the speaker agrees and supports the proposal made by the person mentioned.

How is "second" pronounced in English?

In English, the word "second" is pronounced as /sɪkənd/. The "s" is pronounced as /s/, the "e" as /ɪ/, the "c" as /k/, the "o" as /ə/, the "n" as /n/, and the "d" as /d/. When saying it out loud, it should rhyme with "reckoned."


"Second" is a versatile word in the English language that can be used as an adjective, noun, verb, or adverb. Its meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used. When pronouncing the word, it is important to emphasize the /k/ and /d/ sounds to ensure proper pronunciation.



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