What does "recognize" mean in English and how is it pronounced?
The word "recognize" is a verb in English and it means to identify or acknowledge someone or something that has been previously known, seen, or heard. It can also mean to know or be aware of something.
Pronunciation: The word "recognize" is pronounced as /ˈrekəgnaɪz/.
What is the Chinese translation and pronunciation of "recognize"?
The Chinese translation of "recognize" is "识别" (shí bié) in simplified Chinese and "識別" (shí bié) in traditional Chinese.
Pronunciation: In Mandarin, "识别" is pronounced as "shí bié".
How can "recognize" be used in sentences?
1. I couldn"t recognize him in his new glasses.
2. The teacher recognized the student"s talent in painting.
3. The company recognized the need for change and implemented new strategies.
4. It is important to recognize the efforts of the employees.
What are some synonyms of "recognize"?
Some synonyms of "recognize" include identify, acknowledge, know, realize, perceive, and comprehend.
What are some antonyms of "recognize"?
Some antonyms of "recognize" include overlook, ignore, disregard, miss, and misunderstand.
Can "recognize" have different meanings in different contexts?
Yes, the meaning of "recognize" can vary depending on the context in which it is used. For example, it can refer to identifying someone or something physically, acknowledging someone"s achievements or contributions, or understanding the significance of a situation.
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