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更新时间:2024-10-29 17:06:07 人气指数:
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What is the meaning of "recognise"?

"Recognise" is a verb in English that means to identify someone or something that one has encountered before or to acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of something.

How do you pronounce "recognise"?

"Recognise" is pronounced as /ˈrɛkəɡnʌɪz/ (re-kəg-nahyz) in English.

How is "recognise" used in a sentence?

Here are a few examples of how "recognise" can be used:

1. I couldn"t recognise the actor because he was wearing a disguise.

2. The government will recognise the newly formed political party.

3. The company decided to recognise the hard work of its employees by giving them a bonus.

4. She couldn"t recognise her childhood home as it had been completely renovated.

Is "recognize" the same as "recognise"?

Yes, "recognize" and "recognise" are different spellings of the same word. The variation in spelling is due to the difference between British English and American English.

What are some synonyms of "recognise"?

Some synonyms of "recognise" include identify, know, acknowledge, perceive, and comprehend.

Can "recognise" be used in formal writing?

Yes, "recognise" is a suitable word to use in formal writing. It adds a level of clarity and professionalism to one"s writing.

Is "recognise" only used for people and objects?

No, "recognise" can also be used to refer to the acceptance or approval of ideas, achievements, or situations. For example, one can recognise the importance of education or recognise someone"s talent.

Can "recognise" be used in the past tense?

Yes, "recognise" can be used in the past tense. The past tense form of "recognise" is "recognised" (British English) or "recognized" (American English). For example, "She recognised her old friend at the party."

Is "recognise" a common word in English?

Yes, "recognise" is a common word in English and is frequently used in both spoken and written language.

Can "recognise" have different meanings in different contexts?

Yes, the meaning of "recognise" can vary depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to physical recognition, legal recognition, or the acknowledgment of achievements or ideas.



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